Thursday, January 10, 2013

African Adventure, part 8

Boiling Pot Trail:

This trail took us down a long series of stone steps, across several small tributaries, through the jungle that was pictured from the Knife Edge Bridge.  Note the warning sign at the beginning of the trail.  They meant every word!  We were none the worse for wear after completing the hike.  As for the baboons ... Kate finally saw one, and suddenly, like the mysterious Yeti in "Harry and the Hendersons" they popped out on the rocks.

As for the warning not to bring food, this part of the world has a long way to go (just like our visit to Machu Piccu) toward educating folks not to litter.  We did our small effort to clean up.  One stack of discarded food containers were on the ground RIGHT NEXT TO THE LITTER CAN!!!

Anyway, other than that little quibble, it was a great hike!

We are headed back up the trail after finding the end .. which is where the streams from the Falls meet and regather to flow under the bridge.

This is a bit later, headed back out ... this is a small tributary that joins the Zambezi River, but not part of the Falls.

Lots of Baboons .. once we trained our eyes to see them.

Kate called and called to this guy .. who in disgust .. is the only one to turn and face her head on.   Baby never stopped being held, though.

There are baboons here, and it was Kate's eagle eye that realized we were not just walking past rocks.

Meghan and Mary, with the calm side of the river behind them.

From the Falls joining the "boiling pot" area.

The jungle in this area is quite dense!

Looking back up to the Knife Edge trail bridge.  Little did we know when we were looking down there was a trail, and probably people below us!

This is the rail and car bridge spanning from the Zambian side (left) to the Zimbabwean side (right)  ... that thin line form the middle of the bridge is a bungee jumper.

And there he is!

Water from the right side is from the Falls.

One thing we spotted up on the bridge were baboons climbing in the understructure.

This bench was a nice thought ... but in order for Peter to sit on it he had to hold on for dear life because of how slanted the seat was!

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