Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Waiting for the telephone to ring.  Waiting to hear the latest report from the professionals.  Waiting and hoping our next trip won't be one filled with sadness.  Any spare prayers any of my readers have would be deeply appreciated for Tom's mother.

My confidence is in God, and I know He comforts those who are sorrowing.  My own difficulty is in those who sorrow too early.  Hope is always present, but not so evident to those who haven't been blessed with an intimate experience of God, or have rejected Him.

If you are sorrowing this day, don't lose sight of hope.  If you are hopeful today, please pray for those who are in sorrow.

Our rainy weather seems to underscore the sadness that has enveloped many in our family as they wait for prognosis.  My prayer is that they don't rely too much on the experts, and instead turn to God in absolute trust and faith.  For those who have deep questions now, may they receive the gift of faith and good mentors.

May the peace that only comes from Christ be with you and your families today.

1 comment:

  1. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family and in particular Tom's mom.
