Thursday, June 27, 2013


Yesterday morning I captured this series of photos.  Cheeky monkeys are no longer phased by me sitting at my desk in the mornings.

After we returned from the States, we found a new nursery had opened close to the Shalux Gymkhana.  They had beautiful flowers, and when we stopped to explore discovered they were planted in potting soil.  Oh, not the pretty stuff most of you can buy at your local home supply store,  this was much more primitive.  Lots of partially decayed vegetation, but a far cry from the solid clay our last batch of flowers were struggling in.  In addition to the flowers we bought a sack of soil and four plastic plant pots with a mind to a bit of container gardening.

Since winter is here, as evidenced by the brown lawn in the photos, the garden will get underway once our  long weekend visit to  Kapishya Hot Springs is over.  While it has been tempting to plant already, the knowledge that nobody would be here to water has been a sufficient deterrent.  Bad enough the monkeys will be visiting the petunias.  Far worse to see seedlings dried up and gone!

So, now for the little bit of entertainment from yesterday morning:

The first monkey inspecting the flowers, deciding which one to pluck.

 Oh, dear, the neighbors are stopping by.  Let's hope they don't see all these amazing flowers and invite themselves to breakfast!

 Oh, no!  They see them, and don't seem at all interested in those pathetic crisp head lettuce plants down at the other end.

Okay, you're one of the little ones, I suppose you won't eat much.  You can stay.

See, you look at the blossom, first, decide whether to pluck it or not.

Yup, then you put it into your mouth.

But, don't be too obvious, more neighbors will want to visit!

I'll stand and keep guard, go ahead and get your blossom.

That's right, flower end in first.  

And off they go, refreshed from their petunia blossom breakfast!

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