Thursday, November 29, 2012


We have been very fortunate to have met Mike and Lattisha Dobbins.  They have lived in Zambia, along with their children, for the last 14 years as missionaries.  Lattisha has taken me under her wing, and given me a guided tour of the local supermarket, clued me into brands, and various healthy living practices.

One that we knew about already was water management.  Below is a photo of the water filtration system we use.  Note that this was set up about 3 weeks ago, and since this photo was taken we have cleaned the top ceramic filter.  The water "looks" clean, but as evident in the pictures, it isn't quite that way.  Hmmm... makes me wonder what might turn up if we filtered the Lake Houston water that comes into our Texas home.   ... sorry for the diversion.

This system is the exact one that we used in Peru.  There we needed two to keep up with the 5 of us.  Here, one seems to be about right.  We simply pour the cold tap water in the top, then fill water jugs we purchased prior to getting the filter.

When our shipment arrives (who know when??) there is another 2 candle filter inside, and that will supplement this one.  This particular filter is excellent as in addition to the ceramic filter, there is a tower of additional filtration mediums ending with zeolite.  The zeolite attracts any remaining heavy metals, and after a while we only have to wash them off, boil, let cool, and reuse to keep it active.

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