Friday, November 30, 2012


Here are some photos of the plants around our home.

This is looking from our front walk toward the front center lawn area.

Quite a few of these were in bloom a month ago.  

Both white and pink varieties of this pretty flower.  They look like gigantic Impatiens to me.

These succulent sword plants are abundant. This planter forms the outside wall of our covered back patio area.

This odd tree has been lovingly dubbed "Harold" (remembering fondly Bill Cosby's Saturday morning cartoon show.)  It is some sort of palm tree.  If you can imagine the large tree in the background gone, in addition to the topmost leaves is another array about halfway up the trunk.

Banana trees, no bananas in evidence.  I told you we had monkeys!

Hibiscus.  I love the vibrant colors.

This is looking at the back of the house.  The left side is our ensuite bathroom and dressing room.  The entire left wing of the house is bedrooms and bathrooms.  In the central part is the covered patio outside  of the family room.  On the front of the house in the central section are the living and dining rooms.  The right wing of the house is where the front hall, a huge bathroom, kitchen and butler's pantry.  Off further to the right is a wall for the kitchen courtyard, with servant's quarters forming the farthest right perimeter. 

Here you can see the brown lawn becoming green with the rains.  However not as green as the swimming pool (!)  No, we are not swimming in it.  Long, irritating story.  The good news for us it is has been pumped out, and getting much needed maintenance today.

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