Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh! Snow!

It started on December 1st with a few days of light flurries.  And so far, in the past 24+ hours we have had well over 18"!!!  Saint Nick arrived on time, though, dropping off chocolate coins and a new movie (as per a tradition we set years ago.)

Schools here in London are cancelled, and the noise of sheer, unadulterated (emphasis on no adults) laughter is infectious.   Our son has been very busy trying to keep both the driveway, sidewalk to the front door, and back deck cleared.  In fact he was up well before Tom, and out shoveling by 5:30 am, knowing his Dad would need a clear driveway to get to work.

He went out once more, but we now have another couple of inches on the shoveled areas.  Here are some pictures of our new scenery!  Notice how deep the roof snow is!

Here is to keeping warm, and everyone safe on the roads today, and the remainder of the week.

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